Little Words…Full Heart

If I were to stray into a dream
Would you perchance follow me thence?
Lilting, tilting, spinning, twirling
Blurring, fading, colors hazing

If you join me there
would it be to release me from my reverie
or within, transfix yourself to me?

My Dream
More powerful than sanity
Wake me not

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a painting I did a few years ago for a talk on identity in the Kingdom of God

Everything is About to Change

830.2 miles.
12 hours and 26 minutes without traffic.
Everything is about to change.
Last August when I moved back in with my parents, I imagined only being here for a few months. I got a job as a bartender, a job I didn’t really enjoy and felt blessed that it would be so easy to leave when the time came. Then life happened, plans changed, and I was staying for how long I didn’t know. I left the bar and got a job at a health food store. Really I got the best job I have ever had in my life. Here I learned how to take control of my health, my weight, my body image. In the last 9 months I have been blessed to learn how to heal myself. For over a year I prayed for miracles to heal my arrhythmia, asthma, costochondritis, and help me loose the extra weight. Occasionally I was granted a reprieve of my pain, but it never lasted. The real miracle was training out the stubbornness in my head that my body didn’t need the help of healthy diet and exercise. So here, at the best job I’ve ever had I learned all these things. I found friends, and compassion, and even learned how to save money for the eventuality of leaving.
And now I am actually leaving.
830.2 miles.
12 hours and 26 minutes without traffic.
To a house I’ve never seen in person, in a neighborhood I’ve never been in, with three new roommates I haven’t technically met….the list of “haven’ts” goes on forever. And I couldn’t be more excited and overwhelmed by all of them!
You see, I tried things my way. Specific planning, details, details, details. And it fell apart over and over again. Then I sat back and talked with Holy Spirit. I thought maybe He would want to be included in this journey. I told Him that I wanted to do life with a couple of really amazing friends, I wanted to go to massage therapy school, and I wanted to live in an intentional community of people on Fire for Papa God.
And then I waited.
This June I went to Atlanta with a specific goal to find a place to live and a job if I could. I found neither. When I got back, I decided to cling to hope that this was the path I should be on, and so I gave my notice at work that I would be leaving at the end of July and waited again in faith.
Then all at once Holy Spirit began to answer, with a big goofy smile on His face jumping up and down shouting “look what I’m doing for you!” over and over again.
Meanwhile I’m just sitting back laughing with thanksgiving.
Then, I got a text from my friend that she had found a need for a fourth roommate in a new house posted on facebook. It has been a joy to discover this opportunity, and to feel the love of Jesus radiating off the possibilities surrounding this new place.
With joy in my heart I get to imagine and piece together my life down there, surround myself with grownup furniture and my own art attempts and even a garden.
Do I have a job yet? Nope.
Do I have Georgia license plate or car insurance? Nope.
Do I have any idea where I will work or when I will be able to start school? Nope.
I am excited.
I am overwhelmed.
I am terrified.
I am exhilarated.
I am at peace.
I am dreaming of the life Holy Spirit and I are building together, one where everything is possible and blessings abound through my faith and His provision.
830.2 miles away from my parents
12 hours and 26 minutes without traffic from the life I am used to…
Everything is about to change!